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but sin; therefore the genuine and principal way of showing the sympathy and gratitude which He demands of us, and which we are undoubtedly bound to render to Him, is to be sorry for our past sins purely from love to Him; to hate sin with a hatred beyond all other hatred, and to fight manfully against all His enemies and our own evil inclinations; that thus, putting off the old man with his deeds, we may be clothed with the new, and our souls may be adorned with the virtues of the Christian character.


Of the 'Advantages which may be derived from Meditation on the Crucifirion of our Lord, and of the Imitation of His Virtues.

AMONG the many benefits which may be obtained by holy meditation, the first is, not only sorrow for past sin, but also regret for the disorderly passions which are still alive within you, and which nailed your Lord to the Cross.

The second is, to seek pardon of your sins, and the grace of a perfect hatred of yourself, that you may never more offend Him; but, in return for all His sufferings for you, love and serve Him with all your heart, which is simply impossible, without a holy hatred of self.