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Fourthly, then contemplate your Saviour, as He turns His pitying Eyes on you, and says, "Behold, My child, whither your immoderate desires have carried Me, because you would not do a little violence to yourself. Behold how much, and how gladly, have I suffered for love of you, and to set you an example of true patience. By all My sorrows, I beseech you, beloved child, to bear this cross willingly, and every other you may yet have to bear according to My good pleasure; surrendering yourself into the hands of all your persecutors, whom I may permit to molest you, however vile they may be, and fierce against your reputation or your body. Oh! didst thou but know the comfort of acting thus! These Wounds bear testimony to this truth, which I was pleased to receive as costly gems, so that I might adorn with precious virtues that poor soul of thine—dear to Me beyond thy conception. And if on this account I am brought to such an extremity, wilt thou, beloved spouse, refuse to suffer a little in order to satisfy My Heart, and allay the anguish of those Wounds which thy impatience has inflicted, which grieves Me far more bitterly than the Wounds themselves?"

Fifthly, next consider Who it is that thus holds converse with you, and you will see that it is Christ Himself, the King of Glory, Very