And if the subtle serpent. demands of you what the Catholic Church believes, do not answer him, but seeing his device, and that he only wants to catch you in your words, make an inward act of more lively faith; or else, to make him burst with indignation, reply, that the Holy Catholic Church believes the truth; and if the Evil One should ask in return, "What is the truth?" you reply, "Even that which she believes."
Above all, ever keep your heart intent upon the Crucified, saying: "My God, my Creator and Saviour, haste Thou to help me, and forsake me not, that I part not with the truth of the Holy Catholic Faith; and may it please Thee, that as in this faith by Thy grace I was born, so in it, to Thy glory, I may end this mortal life."
Of the Assault of Despair, and of its Remedy.
THE second assault, whereby the perverse demon strives to accomplish our overthrow, is the terror which he works in us by the remembrance of our sins, in order that we may cast ourselves headlong into the pit of despair.
In this danger, hold fast this certain rule, that