and I, lest I offend my Lord, your pain shall be eternal, and mine, by the grace of God, shall be changed into eternal peace."
Of Temptations to Spiritual Pride.
I HAVE spoken to you in the preceding chapter of the temptations which the devil is wont to present to us by means of the greatness, riches, and delights of the world; but I now will speak of the temptations of spiritual pride, self-complacency, and vain-glory, which are so much the more dangerous and terrible as they are the less obvious, and the more opposed to God.
Oh! how many brave soldiers and great servants of God, after many many years of victory, have been overthrown by this pride, and have become servants of Lucifer!
The escape from this tremendous fall and subtle snare is by fearing at all times, and by doing good works with fear and trembling, lest through some hidden worm of self-love and pride they be contaminated and rendered offensive to God. Therefore, in the doing of them, whilst humbling ourselves, always strive to do