find out fresh grounds for wonder, and fresh incentives to love so powerful a Lord.
Of Meditation on the Wisdom of God.
THE Wisdom of God is too deep and unsearchable for us to be able to comprehend it. Yet that you may have some idea of it, turn your eyes to the stars above, the beauty of earth, and of all the universe; and you will find nothing but the expression of the incomprehensible Wisdom of the Divine Architect. Turn your thoughts to the life of man, and to the various accidents which happen, and nothing will be discovered so disordered but that in the sight of God it will be unsearchable wisdom.
Meditate on the Mysteries of Redemption, for you will find that they are full of the profoundest wisdom. "Oh, the depth of the riches, both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God! how unsearchable are His judgments!"