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Goodness of God calls you, and be no more so dull of heart as to despise it, giving your love to vanity, lies, and shadows.

God calls you to the love of His Power, Wisdom, and Goodness, to be charmed with His Beauty, and to enter into His joy; and do you turn a deaf ear? Think, think upon what you are doing, lest the hour come upon you when repentance shall be unavailing.


What God has done for Man, and with what Love; and what He would further do for him, if needful.

WHAT God has done to man, and for man, may be seen by meditating on Creation and Redemption.

But the Love with which He made him and wrought out his salvation was more than infinite.

Infinite had been the price of the ransom, but the Love yet more; for had there been necessity, He would willingly have suffered more, and died many times.

If then for your ransom you owe your whole being over and over again, to what extent are you indebted to that Love of God towards you, which exceeds and outstrips the ransom itself?