worse than pride of the will; for the pride of the will, when manifest to the understanding, may in time be easily remedied by obedience to rightful authority; but how or by whom shall he be cured, who persists in regarding his own opinion as better than any other man's? and how shall he submit to the judgment of others, when he regards it as inferior to his own?
The understanding is the eye of the soul, to which we must trust for discovering and healing the wound of the proud will; if then the eye be weak, or blind, or swelled with the same pride, who shall be able to work a cure? and if the light become darkness, and that whereby we measure our actions be at fault, what will become of the rest?
Then resist without loss of time this malignant form of pride, before it penetrates into your inmost parts. Curb the quickness of your intellect; readily yield to the opinion of others; appear as a fool for the love of God, and you shall be wiser than Solomon.