prayer; and to meditate often upon the numberless blessings, which God, out of pure love, and with no benefit to Himself, has bestowed, and is still bestowing upon us.
Of some Considerations which may induce the Will to seek in all things the Good Pleasure of God.
MOREOVER, to render the will more inclined to desire in all things the good pleasure and the glory of God, call oftentimes to mind, that in many ways He has first honoured and loved you.
By Creation—making you out of nothing, after His likeness; and by making all other creatures for your use.
By Redemption—sending, not an angel, but His Only-begotten Son, to redeem you, not with the corruptible price of silver and gold, but with His own Precious Blood, and His most painful and ignominious Death.
Consider, too, that every hour, and every moment, He defends you from your enemies, fights for you by His grace, offers you continually in the Sacrament of the Altar His Dear Son to be your strength and nourishment; is not this a token of the inestimable love and regard which