way which seems to Him best, say in your heart—"Behold in me the fulfilment of the Divine Will, which has from all eternity lovingly ordered that I should now undergo this trial. Blessed, ever-blessed, be my most gracious Lord!"
When any good thought arises in your heart, turn at once to God, and acknowledge that it comes from Him, and give thanks to Him for it.
When you read, seem to see beneath the words your Lord, and receive them as if at that moment they were proceeding out of His Divine Lips.
When you look on the Holy Cross, remember that it is the standard of your warfare; and, that if you forsake it, you will give yourself over into the hands of cruel enemies, but if you follow it, you will enter into Heaven, laden with glorious spoils.
When you see the sweet image of the Blessed Virgin, let your thoughts turn to her who reigns in Paradise, and be thankful that she was every moment ready to do the Will of God; that she bore, nourished, and tended the Redeemer of the world; and, that in our spiritual conflict, she is ever desirous to give us her sympathy and aid.
Let the images of Saints represent to you so