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Rowland Ward's Books for Sportsmen Continued. Hunting: Trips in the Caucasus. By K. I>k.miix)1i (runce San Uonaio). Willi Ninety- six Illustrations and M:i|). I'rico 21s. net. After Wild Sheep in the Altai and Mong:olia. Hy K. Demidoik (Prince San Donato). Willi l'.ii;lily-lV() niiistralioiis and Map. riicc2is. net. A Shooting; Trip to Kamchatka. Hy K. Demidofi (Prince San Donate). With 113 Illiisir.uion-;. I'ivc I*li(>to<;raviin-s. and Two Maps. Price 21s. net. Sport in East Central Africa. Being an Account of Hunting Irips in Districts of East Central .frica. By 1". '. Kikhv, F.Z.S. Willi Illustrations. Price 8s. 6d. net. The English Angler in Florida. With some Descriptive Notes of the Game, .Animals, and Birds. I'lV K()vi...M) W.Ki), I'.Z.S. Willi numerous Illustrations. Price 7s. 6d. net. A Sporting Trip through Abyssinia. With a Descriiition of the Game, from Elephant to ll)e.. Hy 1'. 11. G. I'ouKi.i.-CoiTON, K.Z.S., F.R.G.S. With Ninety-two Illustrations and Map. Price 21s. net. Nature Portraits t Studies with Pen and Camera of Wild Birds, Animals, Fish, and Insects. Text 1)V the l-",ditor of "Country Life in America." With Fifteen Large Plates, ami many Illustrations hy the liest Nature Photographers. Price 21s. net. American Animals. A Popular Guide to the Mammals of North America, North of Mexico. Hv W. Stone and W. E. C'r.am. With numerous Illustrations. Price 12s. 6d. net. Camera Shots at Big Game. By .. {;. Wai.i.iiian. With an Introduction by Theodore h'l pDsi'.vm.i. I'rici- 30s. n<-t. The Qeese of Europe and Asia. Being the Description of most of those inhabiting the Old W<jrUl. By S1.KGIU.S .i,i*hkk.aky. Cor. M. Zoological Museum of the Imperial Academy of Science, St. Petersburg. With Twenty-five Coloured Plates. Quarto. Price ^'3 : 3s. net. Big Game Shooting in Alaska. By Captain R. E. R.^uci.yme (Reserve of officers, late 1st Life (ii.ird.s|. With l'Mrly-("ie Illustrations from Photographs, and Map. Imperial 8vo. Price 2 IS. net. Elephant and Seladang Hunting in the Federated Malay States. I'y Theodoke H. I Iini;.rK. With llliisirations. Price los. 6d. net The Game Animals of India, Burma, Malaya, and Tibet. Being a New and Revised I'.ilition of "The (ireal ami Small Gaiiu- nf India, Burma, and Tibet." Hy R. LvDEKKKK. With Sixty-eight Illustrations. Demy 8vo. Price i8s. net. A Trip to Pllawin. The Deer-Park of Count Joseph Potocki in 'olhynia, Russia. By k. LvDi.KKi.K. With Illustrations. Price6s.net. The Game Animals of Africa. Being a Revised Eflition of "The Great and .Small (Jame of Africa." With I'ifteen full-page and Ninety-three le.t figures. Small crown 4I0. I'rice 25s. net. London: ROWLAND WARD. Limitkd "THK JUNGLE," 167 I'lCCADlLLV