GREAT GAME SHOOTING AND PRACTICAL TAXIDERMY Post '^vo, bound in leather. Price 35'. 6d. net. THE SPORTSMAN'S HANDBOOK TO PRACTICAL COLLECTING, PRESERVING, AND ARTISTIC SETTING-UP OE TROPHIES AND SPECIMENS WITH MANY ILLUSTRATIONS BY ROWLAND WARD, F.Z.S. " With this in his portmanteau, no one fond of shooting and collecting need any longer lament his inability to preserve his trophies, since the directions given for skinning and preserving animals of all kinds are extremely clear and simple, and rendered all the more intelligible by the wood engravings by which they are accompanied. (Quadrupeds, birds, fishes, reptiles, and insects are all dealt with in turns, and directions given not merely for skinning them, but also for mounting them, if desired, a year or two (it may be) after they have been procu red. " — Field. ROWLAND WARD, limited " rilK JUNCLK,' 167 PICCADILLY LONDON