Page:Spouter's companion.pdf/13

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A warrior so bold, and virgin so bright,
Conven'd as they sat on the green;
They gaz'd on each other with tender delight,
Alonzo the Brave was the name of the knight,
The maid was the Fair Imogene.

"And ah," said the youth, "since to-morrow I go
To fight in a far distant land;
Your tears for my absence soon ceasing to flow,
Some other will court you, and you will bestow
On a wealthier suitor your hand."

"Oh, hush these suspicions," fair Imogene said,
"So hurtful to love and to me;
For if you be living, or if you be dead,
I swear by the Virgin, that none in your stead
Shall husband of Imogene be.

"And, if e'er for another my heart should decide,
Forgetting Alonzo the Brave,
God grant, that to punish my falsehood and pride,
Thy ghost at my marriage may sit by my side,
May tax me with perjury, claim me as bride,
And bear me away to the grave."

To Palestine hasten'd the warrior so bold,
His love she lamented him sore;
But scarce had a twelvemonth elaps'd, when, be-hold,
A baron, all cover'd with jewels and gold,
Arriv'd at fair Imogene's door.

His treasure, his presents, his spacious domain,

Soon made her untrue to her vows;