Page:Spouter's companion.pdf/16

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While they drink out of sculls newly torn from the grave,
Dancing round them pale spectres are seen;
Their liquor is blood, and this horrible stave
They howl, "To the health of Alonzo the Brave,
And his consort, the false Imogene."


A country fellow and his son, they tell
In modern fables, had an ass to sell:
For this intent they turn'd it out to play,
And fed so well, that by the destin'd day
They brought the creature into sleek repair,
And drove it gently to a neighb'ring fair.

As they were jogging on, a rural class
Was heard to say, "Look, look there at that ass,
And those two blockheads trudging on each side,
That have not either of 'em sense to ride;
Asses all three," and thus the country folks
On man and boy began to cut their jokes,

Th' old fellow minded nothing what they said,
But every word stuck in the young one's head,
And thus began their comment thereupon:
"Ne'er heed 'em, lad;" "Nay, father, do get on;"
"Not I, indeed;" "Why then, let me, pray;"
"Well, do, and see what prating tongues will say."

The boy was mounted, and they had not got

Much further on, before another knot,