Page:Spouter's companion.pdf/20

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Where was the storm that slumbered till the host
Of blood-stained Pharaoh left their trembling coast,
Then bade the deep in wild commotion flow,
And heaved an ocean on their march below?

Departed spirits of the mighty dead,
Ye that at Marathon and Leucra bled,
Friends of the world, restore your swords to man,
Fight in his sacred cause, and lead the van;
Yet for Sarmatia's tears of blood atone,
And make her arm puissant as your own.
Oh! once again to Freedom's cause return
The Patriot Tell-the Bruce of Bannockburn.


Oh, wha hasna heard o' doomed Richmond the Spy.
The most damnable rascal that breathes 'neath the sky;
In history's page ye'll find Nero a guy,
Compared with the deeds o' doomed Richmond the Spy.
For Richmond some years back, unask'd, forsooth!
Like Auld Clootie in Job—wi' his venomous mouth—
'Mang our auld staunch Reformers, fu' sleekit and sly,
Came, the tool of a suicide—Richmond the Spy.

For doomed Richmond the Spy is the mightiest vender

Of falsehood, e'er known 'mang this earth's either gender;