Page:Spouter's companion.pdf/22

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Now each freeman stands forth, rich and poor, low and high,
Denouncing the monster-doom'd Richmond the Spy.
His name it will stink in posterity's pages,
With Castlereagh, Sidmouth-through numberless ages;
Even R—d—y and F—nd—ys names never shall die,
For their hellish connection with Richmond the Spy.

Oh, may all who supported this horrible knave,
Endure nought but misery this side o' the grave,
And when they—defunct—get a glorious fry
In the devil's dominions—with Richmond the Spy.
And may each and all even in hell be detested,
By its inmates, oh, may they be ever molested—
Eternally tinglin' their ears wi' the cry—
New tortures bring forth here for Richmond the Spy.


A weaver, unto Paisley bound,
Cries "Coachman, coachman, tarry,
And I will gi'e you eighteenpence,
Me on the road to carry."

"Now wha be ye the road wad pass,
This dreadfu' snawy weather?"
"Oh! I'm a weaver frae the Shaws,
My wab is on my shouther.