Page:Srikanta (Part 1).djvu/169

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The Sadhu

'Can you recognise me?' she asked anxiously. 'How do you feel now?'

'I feel all right. When did you come? Is this Arrah?'

'Yes, we shall go home to-morrow.'

'Where to?'

'To Patna. I can't leave you now anywhere outside my house.'

'Who is this boy, Rajlakshmi?'

'He is Banku, my co-wife's son. But he is just like my own son to me. He stays with me and studies at Patna College. Don't talk any more to-night; sleep. I will tell you everything to-morrow', and she put her hand over my mouth to stop my talk. I seized it, and, taking it in mine, turned on my side and lay still.