Page:St. Nicholas, vol. 40.1 (1912-1913).djvu/24

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For Every Home Reading Table

Why Go to College

By Clayton Sedgwick Cooper, author of “College Men
and the Bible,” etc.

Lads in high school and all thoughtful parents will find this a suggestive and helpful book, discussing with sympathy and authority the American college man and the American college of to-day, and their relation to the problem of preparing the young men of our nation for leadership and efficient citizenship.

Very attractive illustrations by Henry Raleigh, Thomas Wood Stevens, Katherine B. Merrill, and Helen Stevens. Price $1.50 net, postage 13 cents.

Russian Wonder Tales

Twelve beautiful pages in color by the famous Russian artist Bilibin. Foreword by Post Wheeler, Litt.D., formerly Secretary of the American Embassy at St. Petersburg.

There are, perhaps no wonder tales alive to-day so fascinating as the Russian skazki (skazatz, to tell), the folk tales of all the Russias handed down from generation to generation, told and retold in every home from peasant’s hut to prince’s palace. Romance and adventure go hand in hand, all set forth with that touch of magic which makes such old tales as these ever young.

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The Wireless Man

By Francis Arnold Collins, author of “The Boys’ Book of Model Aeroplanes,” “The Second Boys’ Book of Model Aeroplanes,” etc.
Every one of the 100,000 boys in America operating their own wireless stations simply must have this book. It is not a technical book, but an entirely new treatment of this fascinating subject —the romance of wireless electricity and a host of true stories of wireless adventure on land and sea, far stranger and more fascinating than any fiction.

Many illustrations from drawings and photographs.
Price $1.20 net, postage 11 cents.

Union Square