Hurly-burly; verse, S86 Horricanes
. M. White, if 12-871
J. M, Elficutt. il 25:
clones, toraadoes, aad Imrricancs,
‘A. T. Burrows, i] T1:940-1 Ag "OF
Qeean storms, 25877 Ag "98
Oceaa storms, C: M, MeCarteney. i
map 25:843-8 Ay "98
Seahorse of Grand Terre; story. C: T.
Tackson. i) 41:577-83 My "14
Story of the greac storm az Samoa.
J: B. Dunning. il 17:282-300 F '90
See aise Cyciones
Hurry and speed; verse. A.
196 Ja 9S
Hutcheson, Helen Thayer
fstmas letter; poem. 17:113 1) "8%
icleet; poem. {7:57 N ‘80
ssi poem. 16419 Ap 'B
Dayz of the daisies; poem. 16:569-70 Jo
R, Wells, 22:
Fons! walle? poe
La the hay-to
King iy Egype; puent, 17:23 Ja ?90
Last cricket; poem. 1713 13 ’89 No-when and no-where; poem. 15:84 My '89
Osman Pasha at Bucharest; poom. 17 223-9. Ja 790
Ont of childhood; pocm, 18:369 My 701
Soldiers’ burial’ grotind; poem. “16484
My ’ Sens ofthe eaged canary: pom, 16:483 17:25 Ta '99
To-day in a garden: poem, To my pet; poem, i6:414 Ap 8) Jeatine jor Allis; poctn, 17:313 1° *90 Wee world of my owo; poem. W871 Je
Helen Thayer Hutcheson. dor 17:231-2 Ja 90 Hutchinson, Ellen M. Child pritenss, Charlotte, 14:600-3 Je '87 Hutchison, Eva Rattle on skaves. 243-5 F '62 Hutt, Frank Walcott Avlusin song. 22:91 O "9 Iu camp; verse, 42:52 118 Phew aad aww; verse, 25:862 JL 06, Hutton, Laurence Another Dandy. 24:1041-5 © '97 Boy T knew. 24:153-9, 216-21, 337-40. 400- Th 1) "SGA 197 Three dogs. 23:59-58 N 95 Hyacinths Hyacinths; verse. E. 8. Ap 15 Hyacinths, Water. See Water hyacinths Hyatt, Anna Vaughe New statae_o: leanue d’Are, G. phrey. it 43:402.5 Mr 16 Hyatt, J, D, Hove ‘the bors Hyde, Annie L, Ord sloel’s
Pettec. il 42:45,
ites. $6:749-50 Je °09
188278 S$ "91
Tiydo, EA. Watson Cistmae’ fairy-tale; verse Hyde, M, Carrie Holty-berry and 7, BAS, 3369 D * Hydra Creatmre w'th many hea 4 22:521 Ay 795 Hydra. 1, Re Downing. #1 33:78-9 N Hydraulic raining Conseientions eat. A. A. Sandham. i) 12:
38:234-5 Ta
2-Mr *S:
1. C. Heard.
407-11 Ap ‘8S Soe olso Gold mines and mining Hydraulics Tuterestingg experiments will the sisbon,
iT 39:642-5 JV 12 Mydroelectrie plants ‘On the hactle-iront of engineering, A. R. Trond, il 43:520-7 Ap ‘15 Hydrography Combing ovr navigable waters for bid dea perils. Ro G Skerrett, il 44:535-7
Ap (7 map of the ocean. FW. jy. maps 20:/19-22 Je IR
Hydrozoa Creature sith many heads, J. C. Beard, i} 22:21 Ap '95
Hygiene Varable, K. HL Jackson, 4:346 N76 School ef hygiene, 8. EL Forman. 43:
134-5 Age 7
‘Sve alvo Exercise; Food; Gymnastics: Nurses and nursing; Physical eduea- tion; Physiology; Temperance
Hygroseope How to make a hair byzroscope. 939 Ag "IT Hylas. Sco Tree toads Hypnotism Can animals hypnotize?
i 38:
31:269 Ja 04
toldich. it
T almost, got to fairy-lned oac day: verse
M. GC Davies. if 42:21 N14
J care jor nobody—no, not I! verse. G F.
T dot—dor’t you? verse. I, E. Maciay,
Hot don't you? verse, I, E, Maciay. 34
T had a Tittle wicken-tree; verse, C. 1 Meadowerofe. 1 44:20- Ja 17
I met a fittle passy-cat: verse. G. G. Wied-
erseim. i 28:252 Fa "01
T ongkt to musta't; verse, FE. M. Thou:zs.
1038 O 798
T wonder why; poor. MLA, Lathbury, 2: