Page:St. Nicholas (serial) (IA stnicholasserial321dodg).pdf/274

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The St. Nicholas League


1. Suppose all water extracted from the human body, how much of its bulk would remain?
2. What has a vacuum to do with canning food?
3. What is meant by a cereal?
4. What advantage is there in whole-wheat flour?
5. What is meant by pickling?
6. Explain the action of soap.
7. What is the effect of exercise on the muscles?
8. Why is outdoor air better than that indoors?
9. Name a popular outdoor recreation for the young.
10. What are the requisites for a walking tour?
11. Explain the advantages of woolen for clothing.
12. How closely should one follow the fashion?
13. What clothing is most healthful?
14. Explain three requisites of a good shoe.
15. Tell the advantages and disadvantages of water-proof shoes.
16. When is jewelry in good taste?
17. What is meant by “loud” dressing?
18. How much care should be given to the personal appearance?
19. Should one seek to avoid eccentricity in dress?
20. What two methods gf washing clothing are most


21. Name three systems of heating houses, and give their advantages.
22. What is combustion?
23. What is indicated when smoke is profuse?
24. How is coal formed?
25. What becomes of coal when it is burned?
26. How much air is needed for each person an hour?
27. Why does ice by melting keep things cool?
28. How is heat kept out of a refrigerator?
29. What are the advantages of living in a temperate climate?
30. What benefits are found in sea and mountain air?
31. Explain the difference between an architect and a builder.
32. Why do trolley-roads cause house-building in


33. What is the difference between real estate and

personal property?

34. How many 25 × 100 lots in an acre?
35. What is a gambrel-roof?
36. What is the advantage of a potter's wheel ?
37. What is meant by seasoned wood ?
38. How is cut-glass made?
39. What is the advantage in using silver for tableware?
40. How is steel tempered?
41. Whats the reason for putting chimneys on lamps?
42. Why does the filament in an electric lamp remain unconsumed?
43. How is power from an engine converted to electricity?
44. How is electricity used for heating?
45. What is acetylene gas?
46. How is plate-glass made?
47. Why should light for reading come over the left shoulder?
48. What is the benefit of a “Southern exposure”?
49. How is a candle made to snuff itself?
50. What is meant by actinic rays?
51. Why does a bicycle balance best when in motion?
52. How does a bicycle-rider gain both in speed and in power?
53. What are the chief methods of propulsion used for automobiles?
54. What is a storage battery?
55. What is a gasoline engine?
56. What is meant by “skidding” in an automobile?
57. What is a “limited” train?
58. How is an engine reversed, in a locomotive?
59. Name and define five (5) varieties of carriages.
60. How does the rule of the road differ in America and England?
61. Name ten (10) literary books you think should be in every home.
62. Why is a book of maps called an Atlas?
63. What is the use of a Gazetteer?
64. What is the best use to make of old magazines?
65. At what age should a child go to school?
66. How many hours a day should a child study?
67. Is it best to give boys a military training?
68. Is a vertical or slanting handwriting better?
69. Should nature-study be taught in schools?
70. What indoor games are best for children?
71. Give some of the chief methods of life-insurance.
72. What does “adjusting a loss” mean, in fire-insurance?
73. How are savings-banks restricted in their investments?
74. What is meant by a United States bond?
75. What is a loose-leaf ledger?
76. What is the vertical-filing system?
77. Explain a few uses of the card-index.
78. Name a few modern improvements in office-desks
79. How is manifolding done on a type-writer?
80. How, besides printing on a press, are circulars duplicated?
81. To what class of instruments does a pianoforte belong?
82. What is the principle on which automatic players work?
83. Why are there no frets on a violin finger-board?
84. What is meant by a “half-tone” plate?
85. What is a “direct process” plate?
86. What is the substance that is darkened in developing an exposed plate?
87. What is the focal length of a lens?
88. What is the purpose of a diaphragm in a camera?
89. How does a phonograph reproduce sound?
90. What principle underlies the fountain-pen?
91. What is a choke-bore shot-gun?
92. What is the use of rifting?
93. What is an automatic revolver?
94. What is meaant by bolt-action, in firearms?
95. What is the meaning in golf of “two up and two to play”?
96. What is the use of a clock?
97. What is the use of jewels in a watch?
98. How can a clock be made to run a year with one winding?
99. What is meant by inoculating the soil?
100. What is ginseng?

Report on Advertising Competition No. 40.

The idea of this competition was to relate the experiences of the family of Uptodates with modern advertised articles; also to invent acharacter, a member of the Uptodate family, which would be unique and would advertisean especial article, as the “Belle Chocolatière” advertises Baker’s Chocolate

This last idea was not so well carried out by the young competitors as the judges expected, most of the answers having to do with the ad
See also pages 22, 26 and 28.