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(The entire contents of this Magazine are covered by the general copyright, and articles must not be reprinted without special permission.)


Frontispiece. The Ice-Jam at the Bridge 290
When the Ice Came Down. Story. Agnes Louise Provost 387
Illustrated by George Varian.
Queen Zixi of Ix or, The Story of the Magic Cloak. Serial Story. L. Frank Baum 392
Illustrations in color by Fred Richardson.
The Royal Family of Italy. Sketch. Felicia Buttz Clark 401
Illustrated from photographs.
How to Study Pictures. Serial. Charles H. Caffin 405
Illustrated from photographs.
Pinkey Perkins. “Just a Boy.” II. How Pinkey Got Even. Serial Story Captain Harold Hammond 410
Illustrated by George Varian.
The Typewriter Family. Verse. L. H. Hammond 419
Illustrated by Nanita MacDonell.
The Reserve Fund. Story. Belle Moses 420
Illustrated by C. D. Williams.
“Swedie.” Story. N. de Bertrand Lugrin 422
Illustrated by C. M. Relyea
Pictures A Tiny Burglar. 426
Drawn by J. Richards
Three Rhyme-and-Picture Pages. Verse. (I. Twins,. II. The Two Knights,. III. Comfort.) Lucy Fitch Perkins 427
Illustrated by the Author
A Salamander Story. Frank E. Channon 430
Polly’s Presence of Mind Story. Annabel Lee 431
A Wild-Animal Farm Story. Francis Arnold Collins 432
Illustrated from photographs.
An Acrobat’s Lament. Verse. Carolyn Wells 436
Illustrated by A. R. Wheelan.
Picture “All Right, Rover.” 437
Drawn by Victor Perard
Hominy Hot! Story. Jessie C. Glasier 437
Illustrated by C. T. Hill.
The Little Coquette and the Emperor. Story. Albert Morris Bagby 440
Illustrated by W. Benda
Two Charades. Verse. C. W. 441
The Practical Boy. Serial. Joseph H. Adams 442
Illustrated by the Author.
Kalista Wisefellow. Story. Mary C. Dillon 449
Illustrated by C. M. Relyea
Pictures Circus-Time Thoughts. 453
Picture Kitty with a Hole in her Stocking 454
Drawn by M. Downing
A Penny a Day. Verse. John Bennett 454
Picture. “Hush, Everybody!” 455
Drawn by G. Shorey
Nature and Science for Young Folks. Illustrated 456
How the Lobster Grows—The Greedy Cormorant—Eggs—The Peary Meteorite “Ahnighito”—Porcupines and Salt—Regarding Eggs—March Flowers: Arbutus and Pyxie—Glacial Boulders and Scratches—Studying Brooks in Winter
The St. Nicholas League. With Awards of Prizes for Stories, Poems, Drawings, Photographs, and Puzzles.
Books and Reading 476
Traveling Companions—The Power of Time—Story-poems—New Books Worth While—The Works of Cooper—Helps to Right Reading—The Lives of Great Men—Mutual Mentors—The Fencer John Milton—Reading about English History
The Letter-Box. Illustrated. 478
The Riddle-Box. Illustrated. 479

Subscription price, $3.00 a year; single number, 25 cents. The half-yearly parts of ST. NICHOLAS end with the October and April numbers respectively, and the red cloth covers are ready with the issue of these numbers; price 50 cents, by mail, post-paid; the two covers for the complete volume. $1.00. We bind and furnish covers for 75 cents per part, or $1.50 for the complete volume. In sending the numbers to us, they should be distinctly marked with owner’s name, and 54 cents (27 cents per part) should be included in remittance, to cover postage on the volume if it is to be returned by mail. Bound volumes are not exchanged for numbers.

Persons ordering a change in the direction of Magazines must give both the old and the new address in full. No change can be made after the 5th of any month in the address of the Magazine for the following month.


Union Square, New York, N. Y.
Mar. 1905