Page:St. Nicholas (serial) (IA stnicholasserial402dodg).pdf/669

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Chapter I


The half-hour had seemed endless to Will’m, almost as long as the whole four years of his life. With his stubby little shoes drawn up under him, and his soft bobbed hair flapping over his ears every time the rockers tilted forward, he sat all alone in the sitting-room behind the shop, waiting and rocking.

It seemed as if everybody at the Junction wanted something that afternoon, thread, or buttons, or yarn, or the home-made doughnuts which helped out the slim stock of goods in the little notion store which had once been the parlor. And it seemed as if Grandma Neal never would finish waiting on the customers and come back to tell the rest of the story about the camels and the star; for no sooner did one person go out than another one came in. He knew, by the tinkling of the bell over the front door, every time it opened or shut.

The door between the shop and sitting-room being closed, Will’m could not hear much that was said, but several times he caught the word “Christmas,” and once somebody said “Santa Claus” in such a loud, happy-sounding voice, that he slipped down from the chair and ran across the room to open the door a crack. It was only lately that he had begun to hear much about Santa Claus. Not until Libby started to school that fall did they know that there is such a wonderful person in the world. Of course they had heard his name, as they had heard Jack Frost’s, and had seen his picture in story-books and advertisements, but they had n’t known that he is really true till the other children told Libby. Now nearly every day she came home with something new she had learned about him.

Will’m must have known always about Christmas though, for he still had a piece of a rubber dog which his father had sent him on his first one, and a Teddy bear on his second. And while he could n’t recall anything about those first two festivals except what Libby told him, he could remember the last one perfectly. There had been a sled, and a fire-engine that wound up with a key, and Grandma Neal had made him some cooky soldiers with red cinnamon-drop buttons on their coats.

She was n’t his own grandmother, but she had taken the place of one to Libby and him, all the years he had been in the world. Their father paid their board, to be sure, and sent them presents and came to see them at long intervals when he could get away from his work; but that was so seldom that Will’m did not feel very well acquainted with him; not so well as Libby did. She was three years older, and could even remember a little bit about their mother before she went off to heaven to get well. Mrs. Neal was n’t like a real grandmother in many ways. She was almost too young, for one thing. She was always very brisk and very busy, and, as she frequently remarked, she meant what she said and she would be minded.

That is why Will’m turned the knob so softly