Tur- tle Wo-men do, A cup for you—a
all will be com-plete; Draw up our chairs, the
They run to the windows
bowl for me, With pew - ter spoons for two.
ta - ble’s set—But not a thing to eat!
Sil - ver Dol - lar, Sil - ver Dol - lar!
Hast - en we im - plore,. . . . . . . . . With
anx - ious ear we wait to hear Your
knock up - on the door. . . . . . . . .
(A knock is heard, and Melilotte throws
open the door. Instead of the Silver Dollar,
three Silver Quarters enter. One carries
fagots, another a loaf of bread and a
jug of milk, while the third has a package
marked “Tea.” Melilotte is amazed. They
step in briskly and stand in a row.)
Meliotte. We sent our Silver Dollar hence
To buy us food at his expense;
Now who are you, with faces strange?
Silver Quarters (in unison). So please you, miss, we are the change!
(They put down their packages and sing.)
The Silver Quarters. | |
refrain | We hope you will kindly take care of us, |
We hope you will kind- ly take care of us, For