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Immaculate Spouse of the Holy Ghost,
Pray for us.
Immaculate seat of the Holy Trinity,
Immaculate image of the divine wisdom,
Immaculate ark of the body of Christ,
Immaculate daughter of David,
Immaculate way which conducts to Jesus,
Immaculate Virgin, who hast triumphed over original sin,
Immaculate Virgin, who hast crushed the serpent's head,
Immaculate Queen of heaven and earth,
Immaculate gate of the holy city,
Immaculate dispensatrix of grace,
Immaculate spouse of St. Joseph,
Immaculate dawn of the sun of justice,
Immaculate star of the sea,
Immaculate bulwark of the Church,
Immaculate rose among thorns,
Immaculate olive of the field,
Immaculate model of all perfection,
Immaculate column of our faith,
Immaculate ground of our hope, after Christ,
Immaculate ocean of divine love,
Immaculate beacon of salvation,
Immaculate rule of the most perfect obedience,
Immaculate house of the purest chastity,
Immaculate trumpet of holy poverty,
Immaculate school of all devotion,
Immaculate anchor of our salvation,
Immaculate Joy of angels,
Immaculate crown of patriarchs,
Immaculate light of prophets,
Immaculate mistress of apostles,
Immaculate strength of martyrs,
Immaculate princess of doctors,
Immaculate virtue of confessors,
Immaculate purity of virgins,