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late Heart of the ever-blessed Virgin Mary; and I pray for the conversion of sinners, especially those who have been recommended to my prayers, and for the sanctification of all in this community.

Mary, refuge of sinners, pray for us.

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. Hail Mary.

It is recommended further: 1. To communicate once a month. 2. To recite the Rosary once a week ; both for the intentions of the Association. 3. To wear, as a badge, the Medal of the Immaculate Conception, or the Miraculous Medal. 4. To say often the Prayer of St. Bernard to the Blessed Virgin.

The plenary indulgences granted to the associates, by complying with the usual conditions, are:

1. On the day of admission.

2. At the hour of death.

3. On the Sunday before Septuagesima.

4. On the feast of Our Lord's Circumcision.

5. On the feasts of the Purification, Annunciation, Assumption, Conception, Dolors, and Nativity of our blessed Lady.

6. On the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, January 25th.

7. On the feast of St. Mary Magdalene, July 22d.

8. On any two days of the month, which each one may select.

9. On the anniversary of their baptism.

There is also an indulgence of five hundred days for all the members and other persons who assist at the Masses celebrated on Saturdays, in honor of the Holy and Immaculate Heart of Mary, in the Church or Chapel of the Confraternity, and there pray for the conversion of sinners.

The benefits of the Association extend beyond this life;