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all the assaults of the enemy, that in this illness I may nowise offend thee. And if this is to be my last, I beg of thee so to direct me by thy grace that I may never neglect thee, nor be deprived of those helps which thou hast, in thy mercy, ordained for the good of my soul, to prepare it for its passage into eternity; that, being perfectly cleansed from all my sins, I may believe in thee, put my whole trust in thee, love thee above all things, and, through the merits of the death and passion of thy most beloved Son, be admitted into the company of the blessed, where I may praise thee forever. Amen.

O BLESSED Jesus, the fountain of mercy, I humbly crave thy grace so effectually to spend this my transitory life in virtuous and holy exercises, that when the day of my death shall arrive, though I should feel pain in my body, grant that I may find comfort in my soul, and with a lively hope in thy mercy, a sincere love of thee, and in perfect charity with the whole world, depart out of this vale of misery, and be received into the mansions of everlasting glory and happiness. Amen.


O MY sovereign Lord Jesus, who diedst for the salvation of the whole world, and desirest not that any one should perish, to whom I never present my prayers without confidence, relying on thy gracious promise that whatsoever shall be asked in thy name shall be granted; I beseech thee, by that sweet and sacred name, that, at the hour of my death, thou wilt be pleased to give me the perfect use of my senses, true contrition for my sins, a lively faith, a firm hope, and a perfect charity, that I may then say to thee, with a pure and sincere heart: “Into thy hands, O my Saviour Jesus, I commend my spirit."