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St. Stephen, who, when stoned by your enemies, cast forth sparks, not of anger, but of love, to set on fire their hearts, harder than the stones which they threw. Pray for us.
St. Stephen, having recommended your own soul to God, cried for your enemies. Pardon them, O Lord, and punish them not for their sins,
St. Stephen, most zealous for the glory of God,
St. Stephen, most patient and constant,
St. Stephen, pattern of chastity and purity,
St. Stephen, whose heavenly fortitude caused admiration in all,
St. Stephen, by whom so many miracles were wrought,
St. Stephen, who, in the love of God, was not inferior to the Apostles themselves,
St. Stephen, who converted many to the faith of Christ,
St. Stephen, by whom the Church has received and does continually receive such singular benefits,
St. Stephen, of whom it is said, that the Holy Ghost, who inhabited your soul, shone and darted forth his rays into your body,
St. Stephen, whose face shone like that of an angel,
St. Stephen, an angel in chastity,
St. Stephen, full of faith and of the Holy Ghost,
St. Stephen, dear to the heart of Jesus,


O GLORIOUS saint, faithful imitator of Jesus Christ, martyr in will and in reality, so full of charity, zeal, love, and purity, deign to intercede for us poor exiles ; you who are so high in the favor of God, we do entreat you to procure for us a little spark of that divine love which animated your heart, that we too one day may have the happiness of seeing our God face to face.

Oh! obtain for us that virtue for which you were so eminent, and which in our holy vocation is particularly required — charity.