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Indulgence for the deed are not muted by way of absolution, since the Pastors of the Church have no jurisdiction over the dead. They are available to the faithful departed, oniy by way of suffrage, or spiritual succor, applied to their souls, out of the treasure of the Church.

To gain an Indulgence, it is necessary, 1st, that we should be in a state of grace, and hare the intention to gain it. Should we perform an act to which an Indulgence is annexed, without thinking of it, or without having had the intention, we do not gain it. However, it is not necessary that this intention should be actual; for, it is sufficient to act in a human manner: now for this, only a virtual intention is necessary; that is to say, an intention which has been actual, and which is supposed to continue; although, through inadvertence or distraction, we had lost sight ot it. 2dly, That the conditions required, be exactly performed. For, as Indulgences are always granted on certain conditions to be complied with on our part, such as approaching the holy sacraments, works of charity and mercy, exercises of piety and religion, prayers for the necessities of the Church, and the like; if these conditions required are not exactly performed, as required, we have no title to the favor of the Indulgence. 3dly, To gain a Plenary Indulgence, we must receive the holy sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist. Communion is to be received on the day for gaining the Indulgence, unless it is otherwise marked in the grant of the Indulgence. Confession may be made on the day previous, as well as on the day ; and those who are in the practice of confessing once a week, may gain several Plenary Indulgences in the same week, without being obliged to make a confession previous to each indulgence. We must also pray with devotion. This condition is sufficiently complied with, by saying the Our Father, and the Hail Mary five times, or he Litany of Jesus, or the Litany of the Blessed Virgin, for the praise and glory of God's holy name, for the exaltation of the holy Catholic Church, for the conversion of infidels and heretics, for peace and union between Christian nations, and for all the intentions of the same holy Church 4thly, To gain the full effect of a Plenary Indulgence, it also necessary to have a perfect repentance, and sincere detestation of all our sins, even of the least venial sin; because, as the punishment of sin will never be forgiven while the guilt of it remains in the soul, and as a sincere