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gether ungrateful for the favor thou hast, notwithstanding my unworthiness, conferred on me! But, my God, whilst I am enjoying and thanking thee for this blessing, my heart yearns for the conversion of the millions and millions of redeemed souls, who know thee not. For their conversion I offer up all that our Jesus has done for their salvation; and I present this my offering in their behalf, through the hands of his blessed Mother, whose heart was wrung with anguish at the foot of the cross.

A prayer of resignation to the holy will of God.

O MY God ! I do not know what will happen to me to-day; all that I know is, nothing can befall me, which thou hast not foreseen and ordained from all eternity ; and therefore I am resigned to all. O my heavenly Father! I adore thy eternal designs; I submit to them with all my heart I offer to thee the entire sacrifice of my own will; and I unite this sacrifice to that of thy dear Son, my Saviour; and I beseech thee, through his infinite merits, to grant me, in all my trials and afflictions, that unalterable patience and perfect submission, which are due to all thou dost will or permit.


In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Come, O Holy Ghost, replenish the hearts of thy faithful, and enkindle in them the fire of thy divine love.

V. Send forth thy Spirit, and they shall be created.

R. And thou shalt renew the face of the earth.


O GOD! who by the light of the Holy Ghost didst instruct the hearts of the faithful, give us, by