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for all favors bestowed on us or any of thy creatures; but we thank thy divine goodness especially for our creation, conservation, and redemption; for our call to thy holy Catholic Church, and for our perseverance in it; for bringing us into a Community, wherein we may praise and serve thee; for thy fatherly care and providence over us in all the accidents and encounters of our lives; for preserving us this night from all evil of body and soul, and granting us this day wherein we may praise and serve thee.

We offer thee, O God, in thanksgiving for these and all other favors whatsoever, spiritual and temporal, our souls and bodies, our memory, understanding, and will; all the thoughts, words, and deeds of our whole life, whether present or future, but especially those of this present day, in union with the bitter death and passion of our dear Saviour, Jesus Christ, with the merits of his blessed Mother, the ever immaculate Virgin Mary, and of all the Saints and Angels in heaven and faithful on earth.

We likewise offer to thy infinite goodness all the mortifications and good works of all the just, especially of those who have ever promised to pray for us: all the sacrifices of Mass that have been offered, that are now being offered, or that will be offered to thy Divine Majesty this day, or at any time, throughout the whole world.

First, and chiefly, to the eternal praise of thy own adorable Majesty, to the glory of the sacred humanity of Christ our Lord, to the honor of the blessed Virgin Mary, of our Guardian-Angels, of our Patrons and Patronesses, of the Saints of this present day, of those whose relics we have, and of all the Saints and Angels of heaven, whose intercession we most humbly implore.

Secondly, we offer the same oblation for gaining such indulgences as are annexed to any action of this day: to obtain the pardon of our sins, whether of