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All ye holy monks and hermits, pray for him [her].
St Mary Magdalen, pray, &c.
St Lucy, pray, &c.
All ye holy virgins and widows, pray, &c.
All ye Saints of God, make intercession for him [her] .
Be merciful, spare him [her], O Lord!
Be merciful, deliver him [her], O Lord!
Be merciful, receive him [her], O Lord!
From thy anger, deliver him [her], O Lord!
From the danger of death, deliver him [her]. O Lord!
From an ill end, deliver him [her], O Lord!
From the pains of hell, deliver him [her], O Lord!
From all evil, deliver him [her], O Lord!
From the power of the devil, deliver him [her] O Lord!
Through thy nativity, deliver him [her], O Lord!
Through thy cross and passion, deliver him [her], O Lord!
Through thy death and burial, deliver him [her], O Lord!
Through thy glorious resurrection, deliver him [her], O Lord!
Through thy admirable ascension, deliver him [her], O Lord!
Through the grace of the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, deliver him [her], O Lord!
In the day of judgment, deliver him [her] , O Lord!
We sinners, beseech thee to hear us.
That thou spare him [her], we beseech thee to hear us.
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us.