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Biſhop of Hippo, his Cittie of God,
vnto Marcellunvs.

Of the aduerſaries of the name of Chriſt, ſpared by the Barbarians
in the ſacking of Rome, onely for Chriſts ſake.

Chap. I.

THAT moſt glorious ſociety and celeſtiall Citty of Gods faithfull, which is partly ſeated in the courte of theſe declining times, whereinn he that liueth ( a ) by faith, Habac. 3. is a Pilgrim amongſt the wickeds and partly in that ſolid eſtate of eternitie, which as yet the other part doth paciently expect, vntill ( b ) righteouſneſſe be turned into judgment, being then by the proper excellence to obtaine the laſt victorie, Rom. 8.
Pſal. 93.
and be crowned in perfection of peace; haue I vndertaken to defend in this worke: which I intend vnto you (my deereſt ( c ) Marcellinus) as being your due by my promiſe, and exhibite it againſt all thoſe that prefer their falſe gods before this Cities founder: The worke is great and difficult, but God the maiſter of all difficulties is our helper. Pſalm. 61.