Bear in mind rules 1 and 4, that all curved portions of letters are made freehand; and that all curved portions of letters touching the guide lines extend an eighth of a unit beyond; also guard against exaggerating this distance. (In the drawings this distance is slightly exaggerated for the sake of clarity of instruction.)
Note on the heavy stroke of the U and J that the outside line starts to curve 2 U above the base line while the inside lines start to curve a half unit lower. The round portion of the J has a diameter of 1⅛ U. The thickness of the curved stroke of the D, and other curved letters is 1½ units. The reason for this added thickness is to give the curved heavy strokes of letters the appearance of having the same thickness as the straight heavy strokes. Hence our rule:
RULE 7. The curved heavy strokes of letters are drawn ⅛ U thicker than the straight heavy strokes.