By studying the construction lines in the drawing of the O some short cuts will be discovered. For example note the points through which the outside curve of the letter passes.
The Q is the same as the O with the addition of four semi-circles, the larger two having a radius of a unit and the smaller one a radius of a half unit.
Note in the case of the P, B, and R that the middle line of the P lies below the center line; of the B above; and of the R on the center line. The curved strokes of these letters are constructed according to figure 9, except the reverse curve of the R. The left line of that stroke lies on the line which is found as indicated. Note the upper part of the B is "set in" ⅛ U. Make all the four arcs of the curved strokes of the B meet at one point on the vertical center line. This prevents the running together of the curved strokes when inked in, which would give too much blackness at the point of meeting. This principle also applies to the R.