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Page:Standard lettering (IA standardletterin01claf).pdf/21

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The first step in drawing the S after laying out the width of the letter and drawing the vertical and horizontal center lines is to mark off a point (A) ⅛ unit below the intersection of the two center lines and a point (B) 1⅛ units above point (A). These two points determine the thickness of the heavy stroke at its widest point. Mark off points (C and D) ⅛ U above and below the upper and lower guide lines respectively. Mark off a point (E) on the left limiting line midway between the points A and C, and similarly mark off point F midway between B and D. These points can be found by the construction method indicated in the cut. After a little practice the position of these points can be determined by the eye, as can all the other points of the S.

The next step is to sketch in the main curves as shown in the second view (Fig. 10), passing through the points just laid out. These curves are not half circles, but half ellipses. Perfect these curves by erasing and resketching where necessary.

Next, sketch in the inside curves as shown at G and H, third view, making them conform in symmetry to the outside curves, starting to enlarge the thickness of the stroke at points U from each guide line, or at points found by drawing a 30° line from the near corner of the limiting lines. (These points can be estimated by the eye.) Perfect these curves and finish the letter as in the fourth view.