Page:Stanwood Pier--Crashaw brothers.djvu/126

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Lawrence had to admit that he had detected no foul play. “Just the same they’re playing a rougher game than our fellows,” he contended.

“Well, if they think they’re better at that and there’s no rule against it, why should n’t they?” Edward asked.

It was certainly not long before St. Timothy’s adapted their game to the exigencies of the situation.

“Don’t let ’em knock you down that way!” shouted Bell, who was captain. “Go for ’em yourselves!”

There began then to he a good deal of banging round on the ice, of butting one another, of spilling and sprawling. Sheldon was given another hard fall by Jackson.

“Jing!” said Edward. “I know how his shoulder feels!”

A moment later Charles had the puck and was racing with it up the side of the rink, close by the low board-fence; Sheldon came at him. Charles sent the puck caroming against the fence and out behind Sheldon, whom he dodged