Page:Stanwood Pier--Crashaw brothers.djvu/141

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“Of course. You wanted your team to win.”

"Yes, but it was n’t only that.” Edward hesitated shyly. "It was mostly because you acted so differently from me.”

"But it was n’t at all the same thing.”

"Pretty much. Only you played a winning game and I played a losing one.”

"Forget it.”

"I can’t, Charley, until I have another chance to make good. And if I should n’t then—!”

“Look here, kid, you’re getting foolish. All you want to do is to play the game, or row, or whatever it is, for all the fun there is in it—and just don’t think about having to make good. That’s foolishness.”

“But when you go into a thing, you always feel that in a tight place you must come up to the scratch, don’t you? And you always do come up.”

“I just feel that I want to win, because it’s more fun when you’re winning. And so I go out to win. That’s all there is to it.—Isn’t