Page:Stanwood Pier--Crashaw brothers.djvu/48

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ard calls me Ned, and I’m calling him Guy now, and pretty soon I guess I will try calling him Blanche. He is a corker. He says I’ll make the first Pithians” (he had n’t yet learned how to spell it), “and maybe the School eleven. He and Fred Bell and Jim Payne have the finest crowd here; they are all dandy fellows, and although they’re Sixth Formers and I’m only in the Fourth, I know them all pretty well already. The Fourth Form had a meeting yesterday and elected me President.

“We had a little baseball game here—the Fourth against the Sixth. They licked us, fifteen to seven, but it was pretty good fun. I caught for the Fourth and surprised myself and everybody else by getting a home run off Bell. He won’t let any St. John’s man do a thing like that, though, in a real game.

“Don’t I wish I could make the School eleven and buck up against you! I bet I could nail you on one of those dashes they tell me so much about; I bet I would give you an ugly toss.