Page:Stanwood Pier--Crashaw brothers.djvu/72

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minutes, if every man plays for all that’s in him.—Ned, I’ll give you a chance to run with the ball; Durant’s playing a bully game, opening up holes, and you ought to get through for your distance.”

“I’ll try,” said Edward.

On the kick-off he was the first one down the field, and he tackled his brother, who caught the ball, before Charles had gone two yards. The St. Timothy’s cheer inspirited him; he sprang up and went to his position with renewed confidence. Charles took instant revenge and sent Dale, his fullback, charging through Edward for five yards.

“Hold them, fellows, hold them,” Blanchard urged on the next line-up.

And hold them they did, and St. John’s kicked, and St. Timothy’s got the ball just inside St. John’s forty-yard line.

“What did I tell you, fellows?” cried Blanchard with elation. “Now we’ll do the rest of the trick.”

He made a beautiful forward pass to Cochrane, the right end, and Cochrane gained ten