Page:Stanwood Pier--Harding of St Timothys.djvu/32

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With a shy, grateful smile, Stoddard got down from his perch and joined Rupert and the fifth formers, Hall and Dennison. He did not know either of them particularly well, and pretty soon Hall said, "Denny and I were thinking of taking a walk. Won't you fellows come along?"

Stoddard was relieved when Rupert answered for him, "Oh, I think we'll sit here awhile and be lazy."

When the others had departed, he turned to Stoddard and said:—

"What's the matter with Bruce Watson these days?"

Stoddard flushed. "Why, nothing, I guess. Why?"

"You and he used to be as thick as thieves," said Rupert. He glanced at Stoddard with a friendly smile. "You're right to keep up the bluff. Let's you and me take a walk—and talk things over."

They went off in the direction opposite to that which Harry Harding and Joe Herrick and Bruce Watson had taken. They walked