Page:Stanzas on George III.pdf/13

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Earthquakes have rock'd the nations:—things revered,
    Th' ancestral fabrics of the world, went down
In ruins, from whose stones Ambition rear'd
    His lonely pyramid of dread renown.
But when the fires, that long had slumber'd, pent
    Deep in men's bosoms, with volcanic force,
Bursting their prison-house, each bulwark rent,
    And swept each holy barrier from their course,
Firm and unmoved, amidst that lava-flood,
Still, by thine arm upheld, our ancient landmarks stood;

Be they eternal!—Be thy children found
    Still, to their country's altars, true like thee!
And, while "the name of Briton" is a sound
    Of rallying music to the brave and free,
With the high feelings, at the word which swell,
    To make the breast a shrine for Freedom's flame,
Be mingled thoughts of him, who loved so well,
    Who left so pure, its heritage of fame!
Let earth with trophies guard the conqueror's dust,
Heaven in our souls embalms the memory of the just.