Page:Star Lore Of All Ages, 1911.pdf/363

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Lyra, the Lyre

Between β and γ Lyræ is the wonderful "Ring Nebula." It is the only annular nebula visible through small telescopes.

ε Lyræ is the celebrated "double double star," a star almost a naked eye double, and each of these stars is in turn double. A three-inch telescope with a power of 130 will separate these stars.

γ Lyræ, 2½° east of β was known as "Sulafat," one of the early titles of the constellation. Another name for it was "Jugum." It is a bright yellow star of the 3.3 magnitude. The remaining stars in the constellation are of no special interest.

The position of the "Apex of the Solar System" in relation to the the constellations Lyra and Hercules, with the Star Vega explicitly marked. The current best estimate is provided next to the individual positions determined by the following astronomers: Struve, Argelander, Herschel, Main, Airy, Kapteyn, Newcomb
Apex of the Solar System