Page:Star Lore Of All Ages, 1911.pdf/462

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Star Lore of All Ages

clearly its astronomical significance can be traced to the constellation Taurus, for Brown tells us that the word "Tau" is derived from an Egyptian or Coptic root meaning a bull or cow.

The ancient hieroglyphic sign of this constellation Ancient hieroglyphic sign for the constellation Taurus represents the face and horns of a bull.

The Greek letter Tau (τ) and the English (T) are derived from this symbol by the following steps:

A step-by-step guide showing how the Greek letter Tau (τ) and the English (T) are derived from the ancient hieroglyphic sign for the constellation Taurus

In the Hebrew zodiac Taurus is ascribed to Joseph, and Dr. Seiss asserts that Taurus represents the fabled unicorn. In the so-called "Apostolic Zodiac" Taurus was said to represent St, Andrew, or the Burnt Sacrifice.

Astrologically speaking, says Proctor, Taurus gives to its natives (those born from April 19th to May 20th) a stout athletic frame, broad bull-like forehead, dark curly hair, short neck, a dull apathetic temper, exceedingly cruel and malicious if once aroused. It governs the neck and throat, and reigns over Ireland, Poland, part of Russia, Holland, Persia, Asia Minor, the Archipelago, Mantua, Leipsic, etc. It is a feminine sign and unfortunate. The flower is the jonquil, and the stone, agate. It was considered under the guardianship of Venus, and white and lemon were the colours assigned to it.

... go forth at night,
And talk with Aldebaran where he flames
In the cold forehead of the wintry sky.
Mrs. Sigourney. 

The Arabic name for α Tauri is "Aldebaran," which means the "leader," or the attendant or follower, i. e., of the Pleiades. It was also known to the Arabs as "the Eye of the Bull," and "the Great Camel," "the Stallion Camel," "the Fat Camel," "the Female Camel," and "the Bull's Heart."

The Hindus called the star "Rohini," meaning the "Red