Page:Star Lore Of All Ages, 1911.pdf/493

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Ursa Major, the Greater Bear

Dr. Seiss regards it as symbolical of the heavenly sheepfold, and Schiller figured the Bear as the archangel Michael, and Peter's Skiff.

In America—it was the Seven Little Indians, the Dipper.

In England—Charles's Wain, the Plough.

In early England—Arthur's Wain.

In Ireland—King Arthur's Chariot.

In France—the Saucepan, Great Chariot, David's Chariot.

In Italy—the Car of Boötes.

In Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Scandinavia—Thor's Waggon, Waggon of Odin.

In Lapland—the Reindeer.

The Eskimos' name for the three stars in the tail of the Bear was the Many Reindeer.

The swastika cross
The swastika.
Part of the constellation Ursa Major.