Page:Stars of the Desert.djvu/105

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(Sings)"He whom I love is like a lonely tower
Lit by the sunlight of a great renown,
Aspiring skyward in unconscious power
Above the dust and clamour of the town.

"The West wind fanned the battlemented crest,
And, in the frolic of an idle hour,
Left a light seed among the stones to rest
hich later bloomed a scented golden flower.

"Oh, Seomar, so much desired of me,
Lovely and lone and lofty as thou art,
May it be written in my fate's decree
To plant love's golden flower against thy heart!

"And if love be the dream thou sayst it is
What matter? so it bring that face of his
Near unto mine, and longing find relief.
I care not if the dream be true or no
So it be not too brief!"


So it be not too brief!" "'Tis ever so!
And still the young waste in Love's fitful flame
The force that else had brought them gold and fame."


"Didst thou not tell me of one who bought thy youth
How that his age hindered his pleasure in thee?
Spite of his gold, gained without pity or ruth
His uncut emeralds and pearls of the sea.