Page:Stars of the Desert.djvu/116

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Mir Khan

I have my own." "Thine own was given to me
Long since thou knowest."


Long since thou knowest." "I tell thee I want it not!"

Mir Khan

"Well, as thou willst, Aziz, farewell."


"Well, as thou willst, Aziz, farewell." "Farewell."


"Ah, thou art gone indeed. Mir Khan, Mir Khan,
Return to me, return! I am lost! I am dead!
Is that the sound of his returning feet?
Nay, it is but a stone, his horse's hoof
Sets leaping down the hillside. Oh, Mir Khan,
Thou art gone from me, and my life is gone with thee!

"Ay, thou hast gone, and left me to my fate,
Knowing I knew thou knewest. For thou didst know.
Last midnight, when Sher Afzul came to me
And told me the Shah-Zada had decreed
That thou shouldst die, for that light love of thine
Amongst his women, also he made known