Page:Stars of the Desert.djvu/142

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At the Taking of the Fort

"Inayet Kahn, I have no love for thee!"
"When have I asked for love? lie still and learn
Beneath the stars, how I would give thee all."
"But thou art hurting me, thy kisses burn!"

"I shall not hurt thee, if thou willst consent,
Resist me not, thou dost but fire my brain,
Hinder thou canst not; see, I loose thy hands
And in a moment capture them again."

"Ah, thou art cruel!" "I shall be crueller yet!
Wherefore refuse? I am thy destiny.
Millions of years ere ever we were born
It was decreed that I should come to thee.

"Accepting me thou dost accept thy fate,
Since it is written man was born to slay,
Slay and be slain, and women in their turn
Renew the wasted lives that fall away.

"Ah, blame me not, it was not I who made
This sad chaotic world that wounds us so
With life and love and death,—aimless alike——"
"Inayet Kahn! have pity, let me go!"