Page:Stars of the Desert.djvu/160

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"Oh, Daughters of Virtue, to you it is given
To lull with caresses new life at the breast;
By us, in our beauty, unshamed though unshriven,
The Youth of the Nation is firstly possessed."

Gulabi (a slave)

"The thing we love has endless charms
To while away our discontent;
Men seldom feel the weight of arms,
Or women that of ornament.

"Her hair is softer far than mine,
Her gold-starred teeth more almond white,
Her eyes so often mirror thine,
Small wonder they are always bright!

"Her happiness unmoved I see,
Though I am naught and she is wed,
Because the child thou gavest me
Is living still, and hers is dead!"

The Rani

"How like we are, how all the same,
We think one thought, we play one game,
Beneath one sceptre bend.
To careless slaves or curtained queens
Love is our most delightful means
To a delightful end."