Page:State vs. National Control of Public Forests.pdf/13

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In our opinion the proposition is wrong in principle and would be disastrous in results. The time may come when such a step may be justifiable and proper, but this is an eventuality not necessary now to discuss.

This Commission would fail in its duty and be unfaithful to the trust imposed in it did it not defend this heritage of all the people against any attempt, no matter how well meaning, for its spoliation. In the interests of the whole people we submit that this great resource should remain public property, used and controlled in the interest of the public, and all who believe this should resist all attempts in whatever guise they appear, to transfer the national forests to the states, as the first step towards a complete private monopoly of the forests, and the first gun of a direct attack upon true conservation.

(Mrs.) Josephine Hirsch,

B. F. Irvine,

F. G. Young,

Fred. F. Henshaw,

C. B. Watson,

William Pollman,

Joseph N. Teal, Chairman.