Queen is twin-sister of 4. Queen Antah'e, born November 13, 1801 ; married November 21, 1822, to King Johann of Saxony. 5. Princess Sophie, born January 27, 1805; married November 4, 1824, to Archduke Franz Karl of Austria. The princess is twin -sister of 6. Queen Marie, born January 27, 1805, widow of the late King Friedrich August of Saxony. 7. Princess Ludovica, born August 30, 1808 ; married, September 9, 1828, to Duke Maximilian in Bavaria.
United with the Royal Family of Bavaria is the branch line of the Dukes in Bavaria, formerly Palatine princes of Zweibriicken- Birkenfeld. The head of this house is
Maximilian, Duke in Bavaria, born December 4, 1808, General of Cavalry in the Bavarian service; married September 9, 1828, to Princess Ludovica of Bavaria. Issue of the marriage are three sons and five daughters, namely, 1. Prince Ludwig, born June 21, 1831 ; married, in ' morganatic ' union, May 28, 1857, to Henrietta von Wallersee. 2. Princess Helena, born April 4, 1834, married August 24, 1858, to Prince Maximilian of Thurn-und-Taxis. 3. Princess Elisabeth, born December 24, 1837, married April 24, 1854, to Franz Joseph I., Emperor of Austria. 4. Prince Karl Theodor, born August 9, 1839 ; married Feb. 11, 1865, to Princess Sophie of Saxony, who died March 9, 1867, of which union there is offspring a daughter, Amalie, born Dec. 24, 1865. 5. Princess Marie, born October 4, 1841, married February 3, 1859. to the heir-apparent of the Two Sicilies, Francisco of Bourbon. 6. Princess Mathilde, born Septem- ber 30, 1843, married June 5, 1861, to Louis of Bourbon, Count di Trani. 7. Princess Sophie, born February 22, 1847; married September 28, 1868, to Prince Ferdinand of Orleans, second son of Due de Nemours. 8. Prince Maximilian, born December 7, 1849.
The members of the royal house of Bavaria are descendants, in the female line, of the ancient Counts of Wittelsbach, who flourished in the twelfth century. Duke Maximilian I. of Bavaria was elevated to the rank of Elector of the Holy Roman Empire, in the Thirty- Years' War, in recompense for his opposition to Protestantism ; and Elector Maximilian Josejm was raised to the rank of king by Napoleon I. in 1805. The latter title was acknowledged by all the European Powers in 1815, at the Congress of Vienna.
The huge income of the sovereigns of Bavaria, from private domains, and other sources, has been extensively curtailed of late, under the constitutional government. The civil list of the king, and allowances to other members of the royal family, stands fixed at present at 2,985,799 florins, or 248,817/., but it is stated that the actual revenue of the reigning house is of nearly twice the amount.