Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1871.djvu/18

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1. Reception of the Legislative Body at the Tuileries by the Emperor

Napoléon, who states that the aim he has in view 'is, after insuring order, to see prosperity securely guaranteed, and liberty definitely established.'

2. Opening of the Portuguese Chambers by the King.

3. Nomination by the Emperor Napoléon of a new ministry, under the presidency of M. Emile Ollivier.

8. Changes in the Greek Cabinet.

9. Ministerial crisis in Spain, caused by the choice of a candidate for the throne.

10. Resumption of the sittings of the French Legislative Body, M. Ollivier, head of the new ministry, declaring that he will inaugurate 'a national government, adapting itself to the march of progress.'

10. Victor Noir, journalist, shot by Prince Pierre Bonaparte at Auteuil, Paris.

14. Opening of the Diet of Prussia by the King.

14. Rout of Government troops by an insurgent force at San Luis Potosi, Mexico.

15. Execution of General Salnave, President of Hayti, and installation of General Nissage Saget as his successor.

17. Opening of the Bavarian Diet by the King.

19. Opening of the Swedish Diet by the King.

20. Dissolution of the newly-elected Portuguese Chamber of Deputies.

20. Prorogation of the Italian Parliament, to enable the ministry 'to elaborate measures for the restoration of the finances of the kingdom.'

22. Departure of the last detachment of British troops stationed in New Zealand from Wellington, the day being 'the thirteenth anniversary of the foundation of the colony.'

23. Bill for the re-admission of Virginia to representation in Congress passed by the Senate of the United States.

24. Motion for the exclusion of the Duke of Montpensier from the candidacy of the throne of Spain rejected by the Cortes.

28. Vote of want of confidence in the ministry passed by the Bavarian Diet.

28. Death of Ferdinando IV., ex-Grand Duke of Tuscany.

31. Meeting of the Federal Council of Switzerland in extraordinary session,

to elect a President of the Confederation.